Title: What Ball Mill Works Best for Refining Manganese Ore?
When it comes to refining manganese ore, selecting the right ball mill is crucial to ensuring optimal efficiency and productivity. This article delves into the qualities that make SBM's ball mills a top choice for this specific application, while exploring different usage scenarios relevant to various countries and industries. Let's examine what sets SBM's equipment apart in the world of redemption’s story Prepares the coming of the Lord. Chalice Praise #142 ~ from the Revised Common Lectionary the proper 22 of the church year. ~ Worship Sourcebook On-line MORNING PRAYER and LORD’S PRAYER RESPONSE I Want to Be Ready #478 EPISTLE LESSON James 2:1-10, 14-17 (547) SERMON What Do Shoes Have to Do With It? HYMN OF DISCIPLESHIP An Stone That Ever I Did See #206 (American Folk Hymn) During the Hymn of Discipleship we invite those who wish to unite with this congregation to come forward; our hand of welcome and our hearts are open to you. INVITATION TO SHARE Call to Offering Stewardship Reflection: Pastor (see insert) Prayer of Dedication OFFERTORY Here I Am to Worship Tim Hughes DOXOLOGY #47 Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. BENEDICTION RESPONSE Go Forth for God • Chalice Hymnal #437 (verse 1) POSTLUDE Fanfare Del Riego/Bliss Please stand if you are able. Please join us in the Lounge after worship for coffee and fellowship. Serving Today: Liturgist: Sam Jones Elder: Karen Dawson Deacons: James & Pat Stewart, +2 younger deacons, volunteer Youth Greeters: Jake & Jacob CHURCH CALENDAR Sunday, September 9 Youth Sunday Schedule 9:30AM Bible Study 10:30AM Worship 11:45AM No Community Place/Lunch Monday, September 10 8:00PM AA Tuesday, September 11 193rd Anniversary of church founding 7:00PM Meditation Wednesday, September 12 9:30AM Quilting & More 12:00PM Foundation Thursday, September 13 8:00PM AA Sunday, September 16 Traditional Sunday Schedule 9:30 AM Adult Sunday School 10:30AM Worship 11:45AM Coffee fellowship -L 6:00PM The Table IN OUR PRAYERS Our prayers are with the family of Indiana Christian Church pastor, Gary Davis, who passed away last Sunday. Our prayers are with Pat and James Stewart on the death of James’ brother on August 20. We also are praying for: Preschool Staff as they prepare to begin a new school year this week. Virginia Fox as she recovers from knee surgery. Prayers for those undergoing tests, treatment & surgery: Diana Miller Prayers for those recovering: Ed Holmes and Steve Holmes Prayers for our Homebound: Joan & Ray Walters and all who are selfquarantined International: Our partner congregation in Lazucá, our Global Ministry partner, Lazarus Sunday Interfaith Center Offerings can be placed in the offering plate or a digital donation can be made by scanning this code using your smart phone camera. Communion is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ. You are invited to partake as the tray is passed, then replace the cup. ~Thank you to our liturgist for bringing us the word, to Joe Harvey for being our guest musician, and all the volunteers who helped with worship this morning.~ Hymn Texts CCLI License # 111071320 Streaming License # 20165682 Gloria Patri: Chalice Hymnal #35 Glory Be to the Father Words: Lesser Doxology Music: Charles Meineke Hymn of Prayer: Chalice Praise #147 We Are Called Words & Music: David Hass Response: Chalice Praise #142 Jesus, Your name Words & Music: C. Cloninger & G. Nelson Dedication : Chalice Hymnal #47 Doxology Words: Thomas Ken & Music: Louis Bourgeois *Response: Chalice Hymnal #437 Go Forth for God Words: John Raphael Peacey Music: Genevan Psalter 1551